21 January 1900
Revised :



David Andrews BA(Mus)


100 Duchy Road
North Yorks HG1 2HA

Telephone 01423 504373
Email david@violinman.co.uk


I work from home so please telephone or e-mail before visiting.

Working from home also means my overheads (and charges) are lower and my hours are flexible. I can often see customers in evenings and at weekends by appointment.


Please arrange a day and time. If for any reason I'm not in, bring your instrument in the five-barred gate, turn left across the grass and leave it in the summer house (shed) in the  left corner of the garden with the lawnmower.
I'll collect and return it there after repairing. Payment by bank transfer (BACS) to David Andrews (personal), Sort Code 07-01-16, Account 40552891.

IBAN GB02 NAIA 0701 1640 5528 91 BIC NAIAGB21


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