157  A Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten (1942)


In 1981 Radio York was interested in broadcasting the Chapel Choir on Christmas Eve. Britten's Ceremony was chosen as a substantial work and we performed it on 13 December, with procession, in St Wilfrid's Church for a public concert, recorded by Radio York.


Britten writes beautifully for all voices, but he particularly liked boys' treble voices. The Chapel Choir tackled the work with great skill, especially the soloists. Perhaps they were saying "We (girls) can do just as well as boys!". I never quite realised how well it was accomplished until I found this recording on an old 7" reel tape recently and listened again after 40 years. The choir and soloists grasped the idiom as if it were second nature.


Rarely have we had a professional accompaniment as on that occasion. Honor Wright from Opera North played the harp part in rehearsal (see 151) and in this recording.


You can read more of this important work at




Of the many tracks here, this one probably counts as my favourite. As always, I am in your debt for making such music and memories. And if I didn't thank you at the time, I do so now. Thank you all.