134   Sheep may safely graze - Bach


A lady called Mrs Sheepshanks lived at a very fine house called Arthington Hall, not far from College. She was Chairman of Governors in the late 70's, I think, when I arrived at College.  Her daughter was marrying and she asked if the Choir would sing at the wedding and attend the reception in the grounds afterwards.


She asked particularly for this anthem by name, for obvious reasons.


I arranged it, we rehearsed it and performed it at the wedding. In those days events involving girls were definitely teetotal, but one small glass of champagne was allowed to each L6 and over. One however got hold of more, tripped over a guy rope holding up a marquee and ended up flat on her face. She was picked up by friends, put in the coach, smuggled back into House and looked after until the effects had worn off. I don't think anyone was any the wiser! An early lesson to me what friendships exist between the girls, then and though their lives.


The speaker at the reception was a friend of the family, Brian Johnston, a well-known cricket commentator. Very, very  funny speech whether you liked cricket or not. He's the guy who said on the air on one occasion "The batsman's Holding, the bowler's Willey." Muffled giggling followed for a good 30 seconds in the commentary box as they realised what he'd said. He's dead now, but his comment still lives on.